Traverse City, MI and South West Florida, Naples Area

Home Services

Retaining Wall

Retaining Walls


 Retaining walls are generally needed to create a flat space on a hillside.

 This creates usable space that wasn’t existing. Another reason is to open up a lower area in a building. Like a walk out basement or an egress window. Driveways are another example of keeping higher elevations back or retained.

Retaining walls can be rocks, slabs or even wood. Fabricated concrete slabs are a common solution, especially for large projects. While wood can be an immediate and less costly solution, we are often called to replace a wood retaining wall that has begun to fall apart.


Wilhelm landscapes is one of the only Northern Michigan Landscaping companies to own and mine our Lake Superior Boulder from the U. P.

Our boulders are not just big, they are full of colors and veins which make your retaining wall more interesting and beautiful.



Having a great design is paramount in establishing your retaining needs.

Wilhelm Landscapes will walk you through every step of what it takes to hold back a steep portion of your property. It’s as easy as contacting



Wilhelm Barge Service

Wilhelm Landscapes Announces Barge Service


Some lakeshore properties contain challenging access. Whether it is a considerable slope, extreme growth or simply a desire to maintain an existing condition; creating an access from the land can be problematic. Often, the solution can be to access the shoreline from the water.



Wilhelm announces our investment in two barges which can be used to deliver equipment and materials direct to your shoreline from the water. 



These barges can be used together or separate. It can be a practical solution to a complex access site.



Local ordinances vary from lake to lake. Ask Wilhelm about the availability of such a service for your location. Wilhelm Landscape is the leader in shoreline protection in Northwest Lower Michigan. We continue to grow as a reliable experienced. installer of all types of shoreline protection. We look forward to working with you to create a beautiful and functional design you can count on. Protect your investment, contact Wilhelm Landscapes today. 

Wilhelm Landscapes Fire Pit Design

fire pit


Wilhelm Landscapes Fire Pits | Kits and Custom HIGH FORMAT® we like to make things easy for you. With that being said, we’ve created three fire pit kits with all the components needed for a hassle free installation, including a steel liner. 
Round Belvedere Fire Pit
Square Dimensional Fire Pit
Square Kodah Fire Pit

But, let’s say you want to create something entirely different in size or shape. Here, we have some inspirational photos to help you generate ideas. All of these fire pit installations utilize our HIGH FORMAT® products. Take a look.

Above: Custom fire pit using Kodah Wall and Natural Stone Silverek Splitface Coping (gas and liner by others).

Claremont Wall blocks for a custom gas fire pit (liner by others).

Dimensional Wall blocks and Dimensional Coping (liner by others).

Belvedere Wall and Coping with square fire pit liner

Our Kodah Fire Pit Kit enhanced with an additional layer of Kodah Wall blocks for increased height, installed with gas conversion

Dimensional Wall blocks for a custom gas fire pit (liner by others)

Belvedere Wall and Coping to create a half circle custom gas fire pit (liner by others)


Wilhelm’s New Home Division

Wilhelm is proud to announce we are now offering additional home services. From simple honey do lists to full remodels, we can help. Call us at 231-267-9267 or email

New Services include:

Remodels – Custom Masonry – Carpentry – Drywall – Painting – Unfinished Chores – Tiling

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