Wilhelm Landscapes, Northern Michigan’s premiere builder of seawalls, will obtain your DEQ Permit free of charge if you sign on to a project by 3/31/19.
Wilhelm Landscapes works with the DEQ to obtain a DEQ Permit for your seawall project. We provide the necessary documents as well as the application.
Wilhelm Landscapes works on seawall projects right up to the end of the year. DEQ Permits can take several weeks to obtain, so it is important to file the application as soon as possible.
Wilhelm Landscapes also builds or works on repairs to vinyl and steel seawalls. We have also built bio-engineered seawalls which have become a popular solution to certain conditions. These also require a DEQ Permit.
Building a seawall correctly is as much an art as a process. Our experienced crew will create a seawall that will not only function to control erosion, but have aesthetic appeal your neighbors will envy. Many times we are asked to fix a seawall that was constructed poorly, don’t have this happen to you. Go with Wilhelm Landscapes the first time.
Wilhelm Landscapes has built a solid reputation for high quality work in Northern Michigan. Building seawalls is the backbone of our success. Your property is one of the biggest investments you will ever make. Make sure you’re not losing frontage by stabilizing the shoreline. A DEQ Permit is required for building and most repairs to inland lakes in Michigan. Wilhelm Landscapes can put that task to rest as we work with all Northern Michigan DEQ offices across Northern Michigan. They know us, we know them. They know what to expect when reviewing an application from us. The application can be a tedious venture, and incomplete or inaccurate application can seriously delay the project. Sign with us before 3/31/19 and we will obtain your DEQ Permit free of charge. It’s piece of mind at no cost to you.